
Friday, 15 August 2014

On the Road Again

After one week in Cartagena de Indias, we are on the road again. We are currently in Santa Cruz de Mompox, a beautiful sleepy colonial town, that was the stage of “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” a novel by the Colombian world famous author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I am currently reading  on my Kindle “Hundred Years of Solitude” by the same author and will probably download “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” soon as I have now been to the place where it takes place. 

Santa Cruz de Mompox is quite difficult to reach as it is surrounded by a river and swamps and there is no road to speak of. So we took a launch from Magangué to a nearby village and then hopped on a “collectivo” to reach the place last night. The trip was quite fun. We had to wait for the launch to be full before heading off on the river, and then we had to wait for the “collectivo” to fill in before finally embarking on a 40km trip on mostly dirt roads. We left the van safely parked in Magangué. Mompox is worth the efforts to reach it. It is charming and relaxing place with numerous churches and beautiful houses with iron-wrought doors and windows. 

I had a little accident with the van yesterday when leaving Cartagena. There was some work in progress and I did not see a short iron rod planted in the middle of the way (well, actually it was on the side of the road to be really honest, but it was in a curve and the road was narrow). This stupid piece of iron ripped the right side of the van, tearing off two plastic pieces and damaging the footboard. Damn, damn, damn… It is nothing serious, but we need to fix this somehow and I do not know really how… Anyway, it good that there were not more damages than this.

I had to buy a new pair of shorts in Cartagena, as it is really hot here, so one more pair is not a luxury. I thought that was going to be quite straightforward; it was actually quite complicated to find a short my size… had to go to five different shops before finding one. They all had small sizes only. Well, I know I am not exactly skinny, but I am not fat either, just a bit chubby maybe. Well, Colombia claims having the most beautiful women in the world, I cannot really judge this, but what about all the other ones??? So long…

1 comment:

  1. N'oubliez pas que Garcia Marquez était le grand ami de Fidel Castro qui emprisonnait et tuait les écrivains cubains, les homosexuels, les scientifiques sur ordre de l'URSS...
    A mon humble avis c'est un écrivain très moyen...
