
Thursday, 15 May 2014

What is going on with our transmission???

Here it is… we have now clicked almost 6’000 miles and not yet left the USA… and this is the right time to face mechanical issues, right? And also the right place, for that matter. First we had an issue with the front wheel, just before going into Death Valley. That was easily fixed with a little bit of welding and off we went. Then the transmission started to overheat on the pass leading to Death Valley. We stopped for a while and continued, I put this on the heat, Death Valley is very hot, even in May. But still, this was a little bit worrying. True, the road was steep and kept on climbing up for ten miles. We toured Death Valley and had the same problem on the way back, quite expected. Our camper has a 5.9l engine but is also quite heavy, but still… We headed off to Sierra Nevada, again on narrow, steep and winding roads, and guess what? Again, the same thing. There was some serious swearing on my side at that point, in French. Next time, I will swear in English, maybe our camper will understand this better. We went to a Dodge dealer in Bakersfield, he told us that it should be fine, but we should have the transmission checked, just in case. I am not too sure what is happening, but we are going to have the vehicle thoroughly checked in San Luis Obispo, before heading further south. What is absolutely great about the US, is that you can show up at a mechanic workshop, have the car checked and fixed immediately, if needed. And generally speaking, everything is so easy in this country, you need something, here it is, no waiting, no hassles, straightforward and quick. 
Will keep you posted on the condition of our transmission in a next update.

1 comment:

  1. A problem with the vehicle on such a journey where you want to enjoy everything around you is extremely irritating ...

    Good decision to get it thoroughly check before you exit USA ...

    I am completely enjoying your posts Xenia ... and wish to see more photographs ...

    All the best for the next leg of the tour ...
